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August 29, 2008


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Great post.

Though I have my issues with both parties. I'm supporting the Dreamer because the Out-of-Touch person's party refuses to believe in many scientific facts/theories that I strongly support.

As I grew up from a child to a young adult, the science I've learned has made me the person I am today, especially physics (relativity, electromagnetism, photo-electric effect etc..). It has shaped almost every part my my life; the way I think about myself, others and the universe.

When I see an entire group of people denying the very foundation of my beliefs, it really frustrates me. Especially when I think about the education levels our leaders ought to have. That is why the Dreamer gets my vote.

Wayne Hamilton

Well, your adoption of the cabinet-level science idea prompted me to write Dan Kammen with that and another suggestion. We'll see what happens.

George Mobus

For those interested, Dan Kammen is the one real scientist adviser to Obama I mentioned. That is great that you made contact Wayne. That he has a PhD in physics is a wonderful thing. He could be a pivotal influence on energy matters if he has the Dreamer's ear.

Sukhbir Dadwal

For anybody interested, I stumbled on a website which relates to the issues of science in this years campaign. It also lists the candidates answers to some important scientific questions.

George Mobus

Hi Sukhbir,

Thanks for that. I have brought it up and already I see problems.

Wayne, if you are still reading, let us know what you think.


Wayne Hamilton

1. Good to see some response to the 'debate that never occurred'.
2. These responses are not written to be understood by scientests working in laboratories, in field experiments, in computer-modeling or in the classroom. They're in full of acromymic program names and jargon better understood by former scientists who now abide in managerial orbits.
3. 'CO2 capture' is a dumb idea in terms of cost effectiveness.
4. Loans to US auto manufacturers constitute a reward for laziness.
5. STEM progress must be stimulated by a sea change in content of US youths' exposure to 'entertainment' through the media by Internet and TV. Content should return to 'Doctor Science', historical mentoring and similar stimulation of bright young minds.
6. Two Nobel laureates? If Dan Kammen of IPCC is one, who's the other?
7. I'd like to see a version of this 'plan' that has not gone through political review.

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