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« Preview: Systems Science Core Course | Main | Do You Believe in Magic? »

March 12, 2012


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step back


Much better!

I think you are going somewhere important.

If you don't mind some constructive critique, may I recommend the e-book:

True "Perma"-culture is not possible without dynamic control

We've been driving other species toward extinction since the dawn of time and they (the microbes) have been doing the same to us

step back


Some more constructive critique (if you don't mind):

Part 1, slide 2, line 2:

I would change it to say:

"COMPLEX systems behave in complex ways and usually evolve over time due to advantage-seeking sub-components"

More to the point, essentially every semi-sustainable eco-system evolves to have a predator species and a prey species because it is evolution-wise advantageous to both (as long as the predator species is not too "clever")

George Mobus

Hi Step.

Re: the e-book. I could only read part of chapter 1. But I think I get where he is going.

In my evolution stream I consider the long-term evolution of complex systems in which a hierarchical control system emerges and continues to evolve. Best examples taken from life where the metabolic processes within cells and the physiological feedback systems in bodies represent different forms of hierarchical control making more complex systems both possible and stable. My conjecture with sapience evolution is that the same kind of structure is emerging in human society. Of course it may not get a chance to fully mature given our species intent to destroy itself!

I changed the word 'whole' to complex as you suggest. I think the complexities of "due to advantage-seeking sub-components" might be a bit advanced for this group, at this point in the course. I do cover this in the book however.


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