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June 21, 2012


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Anywhere But Here Is Better

Nice mood changer after the previous posting + heavy comments.

You have the driest sense of humor George! And that is a fitting reminder of climate change. (I would add lol but I'd be setting myself up for a lynching.)


We in the PacNW rainforest (what's left, that is) welcome summer with a bow to the Sun god while wearing a hooded jacket so as not to offend the rain gods and so that we avoid getting too wet today and this weekend. ;-)


Hey, at least you don't have to run from forest and range fires Bruce.


Tom, indeed! :-)

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Aveţi cel mai uscat simţul umorului George! Şi că este un memento de amenajare a schimbărilor climatice.
Mi-a plăcut în special articolul dumneavoastră, sper să pot scrie articole mai bune, cred că majoritatea cititorilor vor avea aceeaşi idee şi eu sunt cu nerabdare sa continue pentru a putea vedea un astfel de articol bun, multumesc.
[Moderator note: removed commercial URL
English translation:
You have the driest sense of humor George! And that is a fitting reminder of climate change.
I especially liked your article, I hope to write better articles, I think most readers will have the same idea and I'm looking forward to continue to see such a good article, thanks.

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People have to enjoy solstices and equinoxes, since like Arthur Rubinstein once said : "I stand up in the morning, feel more or less good, I can see the sky and all what's around me, have two hands and two legs, I'm happy". That is surely the way all more or less healthy people should feel.
[Moderator edit: removed commercial URL]

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When you look back over the year, what do you see? Take a moment to reflect on what the last 12 months have offered you in the way of challenges and achievements.
[Moderator edit: removed commercial URL]

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