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« Summer Solstice - Peak Light, Maximum Darkness | Main | Finally people are waking up to how bad it is! »

September 22, 2018


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Garry Speight

Thank you again George.
It is still worth saying.

Near my dining table, I have a copy of David Fleming's "Lean Logic", which I read through from time to time.


Worth saying; not only again, but well.

I now concentrate my efforts, not only on earning a living, but on cultivating good humour, self-restraint and courtesy in my daily dealings - all so easily worn away as the pressures increase, life degrades and propaganda floods over us- and on not abandoning the effort to understand which is our final dignity.

There is light, after all, even in Winter....


Oh I had the same thought just today.
Breaking the inner chains and living in acceptance of what is, a stoic model of life, retaining dignity even when the sorrounding conditions are in no way dignified.

I wish you a merry time even in these days!
The political and religious views of our time hold no answer what so ever to the predicament we face.

And the predicament - it is an outrage to mention. It is an outrage that there are no easy answers, no guaranteed solutions, no single ethnicities, political institutions or religionsto remove that would change the predicament.

Thanks also George Mobus for your efforts and keep up ypur good humour.

Godofredo Aravena

Hi George
You note what is evident certainly. I share part of your mood by the way, but only part, I do not see all this process as something bad, as I have long ago understood and accepted that this system is meant to fail, and its failure is part of the general process to be followed by all intelligent species. The other truth that I have accepted is that there is (almost) nothing to save, but the experience, which is the most valuable asset of all intelligent beings. My personal situation (present and future) is not important, what matters are the future generations and what we can do for them today. All my efforts today are focused on them. I see the urgent need to begin to seriously develop the basis for a new system, at least in theory, there is a lot to do on that regard. A new system which is to be developed from the ashes of this system. A new system which is to avoid the path followed by this first stage of human development. As you say, the whole Biosphere is a recycling system, in the same way, this new human society is meant to be the result of recycling all our experiences, to avoid the mistakes of the whole human history. Technically, the modern society is based on the exact same principles of the primitive original society. In the very bottom, today we are just cave men with smartphones.
Best Regards


Hi Gorge,

Our property on the White River near the town of Tygh Valley, OR. was the venue for SOAK 2018 (Portland Burning Man). I had a theme camp this year (Love is all that remains). My contribution to SOAK was sponsoring Guy McPherson and his partner Pauline to come from Belize and share their outlook. Guy gave several scheduled presentations and had random conversations with the attendants. He also filmed a YouTube video while at the event. I believe I have a basic understanding of his theory on ABRUPT CLIMATE CHANGE leading to NEAR TERM HIUMAN EXTINCTION. He believes that this event could happen at any time. In your opinion, what is the probability of this occurring in the near term or at all.

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